Lisa is a mystically inspired intuitive artist, writer, creative catalyst, facilitator of creativity as a spiritual practice and of sacred space. Passionate about the inherent power and beauty of woman and the rites of womanhood, her work centres on restoring the lost Arts of the Feminine through engaging the cyclical in creativity, ritual, devotion, reflection, myth unravelling and the return to Sacred Essence.

As a teacher and facilitator Lisa is a creative catalyst who brings creativity alive as a path of self-love. She arouses the power of creativity and the connection to the Divine Feminine as a path of enhanced healing and joy. She holds a powerfully deep and transformative space working with the seasonal and celestial cycles and inspires a path of higher creativity through this work that can be applied directly to your life.

The Essence Of My Journey
As a mystically inspired, intuitive artist my creative process works with rising seed ideas and Feminine spiritual values around the communion with the sacredness of life.
This essence permeates through my colourful artwork with strong soul-filled messages that invoke a heartfelt and soul-deep response to my work. My art has a language of soul resonance that empowers woman to know more of their Sacred Essence.
It was in 2014 that I was compelled to pick up a paintbrush and paint as a way to deepen into my intuitive nature and bring alive the connection to the power of the Sacred Feminine at a time when I was going through a major life change. I was running a retreat for woman to the Black Madonna of Montserrat and set an intention that when I got back I was just going to paint. Carving out some space in a corner of a small room in my home, I started painting and have not stopped since. My passion for painting has led to numerous exhibitions on the theme of the Sacred Feminine and woman’s spirituality. My work can now be viewed at my gallery in Whitchurch, Shropshire, where I also have my studio.
My spiritual path opened in my early thirties, at a time that was the darkest point in my life.
A series of awakenings took place that I had no explanation for or could understand with my mind. Phenomena happened regularly with people I met or when I was alone, and my life was falling apart. As a single mum living in a beautiful part of North Wales, I took to walking the ancient land daily as an anchor of sanity as a practised worship to the mystery through the land and a connection to something I couldn’t name but knew as Mother.
Coming out this reclusive period of life I trained in various Holistic Therapies.
Then life moved me to meet my one and only spiritual teacher, a realised being. I moved into the community around him in the UK with my daughter and, not long after, met my husband, who was visiting from New Zealand. Moving from the UK to the community in New Zealand, via a brief time in Australia, I served in that realisation and the wider community for many years, holding roles of organising tours and retreats for several years. I was then asked to teach the transformational spiritual practice that came through his realisation on his international retreats.
During this time, I was instrumental in bringing to life and holding the space for a new teacher training program, supporting teachers in the northern hemisphere as a mentor for the transformational practice. My passion for conscious growth and an embodied living of spirituality led me to co-found a spiritual centre in Amsterdam called the Spiritual, Human, Evolution Centre – SHE, dedicated to the Sacred Feminine with my husband Todd and our spiritual teacher. My husband and I also opened a centre for self-discovery in Bristol, UK.

My experience teaching meditation and spiritual practices led me to approach creating my art an intuitive, meditative, and listening practice which I now share through my workshops and courses.
I have worked with woman running circles, retreats and pilgrimages in the UK and internationally since 2011, and now as a creative catalyst, I enable woman to bring creativity alive as a path of self-love, arousing the power of creative connection as a spiritual practice and path of enhanced well-being, healing, and joy that supports all areas of your life.

Creator of sacred space and weaver of meditative embodiment practices with the power of creativity. Lisa fuels the connection of intimacy with your sacred essence and the Feminine as a tangible reality within your own body, within your own heart, within your own soul.
Lisa has a passion for working with the ancient ways, the land, connecting with sacred sites, pilgrimaging and restoring the lost Arts of the Feminine through engaging the cyclical through creativity, ritual, reflection, devotion and the return to Sacred Essence.