The Way of Wonderment, Wisdom, Beauty, Harmony and Love
The Sanctuary of Creative Alchemy is dedicated to the power of engaging in creativity as a way of insight, inspiration, self-understanding and communion with your inner world. Through creating art as an alchemical dialogue with the unseen forces of life you are empowered and enabled to embody your insights as a living response to the calling in your Soul
Here you unplug from the linear perspective mindset and engage the Feminine way through the nature of the cyclical as seen in the movement of the seasons as in the Earth Mysteries and in the Sky Stories of the Sun, Moon and Venus as they cycle through the sky with the stars.
Through creating Art, Ritual and Reflection while working with Feminine Archetypes aligned with the Earth and Sky Stories, you can consciously craft yourself anew and reclaim your creative power and sexual energy. Tapping into the ancient arts of the Sacred Feminine through our subtle powers of WombCraft - creating Magic, Alchemy and Transformation as you unveil, embody and bring alive the nectar of your sacred essence as your fullest expression in this life.
The programs on offer here are not astrological courses as such but an initiatory path for those who wish to unlock their creativity and their creative potential in life aligned with the deeper Feminine Mysteries. Where you learn, stretch and deepen your creative skills whilst creating meaningful art aligned with your Soul Voice.
This is not about training, striving or achieving, but creating the conscious space for the tender-hearted embrace of the unseen and subtle levels of life that are calling inside your soul. Practicing the way of Wonderment, Wisdom, Beauty, Harmony and Love as a path of sacred union you will turn the base metals into gold. Through the Sacred Art Alchemy programs and processes, you transform your experiences in life and of life, from stuck inner beliefs, the inner critic, limiting thoughts and feelings and patriarchal conditioning into meaningful pieces of art while unlocking the power of your creative potential and liberating your sexual energy into a goldenness of wisdom earned.
The two Sacred Art Alchemy programs run on from each other in a cyclical unfolding, aligned with the Cycle of the planet Venus through her 19 month Synodic cycle with the Sun and her monthly conjunctions with the waning or waxing Moons.
This Cycle of Venus and the associated path of transformation and the reclaiming of sacred essence is depicted in the oldest written story in the world which is over 4000 years old. The Sumerian Myth of Inanna, the ancient Goddess of love, sensuality, fertility and of war. Her whole collection of stories speak of the Rites of Initiation into womanhood, from puberty to sovereign of her own creative, sexual power and the conscious participation in the renewal of life.
In the Sacred Art Alchemy programs, we work with the stories of the Descent into the Underworld the subsequent Ascent of Inanna.
To reclaim what was lost, hidden, suppressed or overlooked to conscious awareness through Her journey of rising as the Morning Star and Her descent into the Underworld.
Then Her recalibration and harnessing of the initiated sacred power inside of Her as a renewal of life, clarity of direction and depth of purpose as Her ascent as the Evening Star.
Reclaiming the Wild
9 Month Program starting on the 21st April 2025 to 19th December 2025
Venus is the transmission of the Feminine Mysteries that have been depicted in our world mythologies through the Mythological stories of Inanna, the Sumerian Great Goddess and her descent into the Underworld and her subsequent ascent. She is also known as Ishtar, or Astarte by the Phoenicians, Aphrodite by the Greeks and Venus by the Romans.
In this Morning Star - Sacred Art Alchemy program over the course of 9 months you will be creating a rich and beauty filled alchemical Book of Magic. Your Book of Magic is created as a body of meaningful artwork depicting your own Personal Mythological Story and your dance with the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sexuality, Relationship and War as you reclaim the wild within.
Over the 9 months and the dance of Venus in the Sky you will reflect on your life and the calling coming from the hidden depths of your soul to redefine and refine your sense of value and self-worth - your creativity, your sacred sexuality and your relationship to yourself and to others. To reclaim your Sacred Power, which is your sexual energy and creative power back from what has been lost, hidden, suppressed or overlooked to conscious awareness.
In the Myth of Inanna she hears a call from the Great Below
‘From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below.
From the Great Above the Goddess opened her ear
to the Great Below.
From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear
to the Great Below.’
This quote is from the beginning of the oldest written story in the world. The story of the Great Goddess Goddess of Heaven and Earth who would have been worshipped a lot longer than the written myths about her that date from around 4000BC – she is erotic, wise, powerful, loving, fierce, courageous and ruthless. She is called Inanna.
In the myth of Inanna, the key theme is a descent and an ascent – with the initiatory sentence ‘from the great above, she opened her ear, to the great below’ being the beginning of the story of descent into the Underworld. In the Sumerian language, the word for ear also means wisdom so Inanna is called to listen to the Great Below, the realm of the unconscious, because she seeks and is called to embody wisdom. She is responding to an inner call to travel to the Underworld to see her dark sister Ereshkigal who is Queen of the Underworld. The dark sister represents your sacred creative power that has been lost, hidden, suppressed or overlooked to conscious awareness and the call to reclaim that energy that sacred power embodying the Tantric Union of the Feminine and Masculine as a unified consciousness.
As she makes her descent there are 7 gates that she must pass through that are set by Ereshkigal to enter the Underworld to meet her. As we follow the path of Venus as the Morning Star she meets the waning Moon, in conjunction, each lunar month. These conjunctions are powerful catalysts and make up the 7 gates of descent in the Inanna Myth which will inform the foundation for your Morning Star - Sacred Art Alchemy journey.
As you engage the Feminine Mysteries through the cyclical path of Venus as she rises as the Morning Star and makes subsequent descent into the Underworld your Sacred Art Alchemy journey will include the key alchemical components of:
Myth Tellings,
Group Calls,
Meditative Embodiment Practices
and an online Sacred Container to share your art, your heart and nurture connection and sisterhood.
You will create an A3 size Book of Magic.
Each month for 9 months you will receive a video recording Creativity Prompt which is your art and creative class for that month. The class will be based on my signature way of teaching process based intuitive art - where you open and connect to the unseen levels of You. Enhancing the connection to your intuitive nature as you create your art while also using a range of different art materials and learning different creative skills. You will be working on A3 size and A4 size loose leaf watercolour paper and by the end of the course you will have a body of artwork and creative pages that you will turn into an A3 size book. There will a few options offered on how to do this.
Creating small Rituals are a way to give action and expression to a dialogue with your Soul Voice. A Ritual as an act of devotional listening and honouring of that voice has deep meaning as it is an action where you consciously cross from one state of being to another, Rituals act as thresholds. In the program you will receive monthly Home Ritual practices which are aligned with the Venus Gates and the passage of Venus and Her Sky Story. These Rituals are designed to support your initiatory connection and deepening with Venus as you bring her cycle to conscious awareness in your life.
Reflection Rituals
Monthly Reflection Rituals which are based on short questions that get you to look where you may not look into on your own. These are designed in alignment with the frequencies of the passage of Venus and her descent and support you in a deeper enquiry into the frequencies and themes you will be working with.
Myth Tellings
Each month you will receive an audio story to listen to that depicts an archetypal story aligned with each gate of descent. Listening to and working with archetypal stories as blueprints of the play of consciousness enables the unconscious to speak to you in intimate ways. Reflecting your knowingness and intuitive sense of feeling while giving you threads to make sense of the unseen within the heart, soul and being.
Group Calls
Each month a few days before the Venus Gate that month we will gather in Circle over Zoom to soften and deepen in sacred space together as we journey through with this cycle. It is a space to share your heart, ask questions and open into the communion of shared sisterhood and Womanhood. When women gather a depth of Feminine intelligence can be invited to move in the space between us. All calls are held in a way that invites in this Feminine intelligence to illume the space and our group field.
Each month a Meditative Embodiment Practice will be shared as part of the call that can be practised that month to support the mind, body and heart in harmonising with the deepening frequencies.
Sacred Container
You will be invited into an online Sacred Container (through either Mighty Networks or Circle) that is a space off social media and all its distraction. This is a container that is just for you and not open to the public - to share your artwork, your rituals, your heart, your seeing, knowings, questions and commune and connect together with all those on the course.
It is also where I will be offering Mentoring and Reflection as part of the program.
Program Live Call and Content Release Dates for each Venus Gate and the Morning Star Descent in 2025
22nd April - The Crown of Stars
20th May - The Magical Eye
18th June - The Sage Song
18th July - The Sacred Centre
18th August - The Healing Power
16th September - The Cosmic Womb
16th October - The Shamanic Roots
19th November - The Earths Secrets
16th December - Lifting the Veil
EARLY BIRD RATE - The 9 month program is payable in one payment of £900 before the 31st March 2025
Program Cost after the 31st March - £995
Payment by bank transfer or debit/credit card available
Payment plans can be arranged please contact me directly for details.
Do you feel pulled to the program? Or maybe are you unsure if this is for you? Maybe you would just like to chat about the program, how it works and how it can support you or any questions you may have before booking? Feel free to book a Discovery Call with me by clicking the button below.