Reclaiming The Wild
‘Reclaiming the Wild’ is a visual and audio cyclical journey with 8 Goddess Archetypes and their mythologies. Each Goddess also has an associated bird that brings a message as the symbolic language of the ancient Bird Goddess.
After the wonderful success of the exhibition in the Gallery you can now tune in virtually and take this profound Rites of Passage journey where you move through a cycle of reclaiming the wild nature of your Soul, back from the mind made world of modern-day life with all its burdens and complexities. A doorway is opened to connect into the language of the Goddess and a lost ancient knowledge that activates a new level of Feminine Consciousness awake inside of you.
Listen to the video with headphones for a more immersive experience.
Birds play a pivotal part in the exhibition as you connect with the ancient veneration of birds as divine messengers and the symbolic language of the ancient Bird Goddess, who is also known as the Great Goddess. In many mythologies with Gods and Goddesses from around the world birds play an important part in the imagery and symbolism. In this art exhibition each Goddesses has a ‘Totem Bird’ woven into the artwork with her.

What is Included in your Virtual Journey?
The virtual journey is a private viewing area on Lisa’s website. In this area you will find 8 Videos, one for each of the Goddess Paintings filmed at the exhibition with the Archetypal Story being narrated by Lisa on each video. This means you can listen to the Archetypal Story while viewing the artwork in situ plus you get great close ups of the paintings along with the archetypal symbolism with the painting. The Archetypal Stories are then followed by the call or song of the Totem Bird associated with that painting.
The audio only files available for you to download in the virtual exhibition area so you can tune into the Archetypal Stories at any time..
A brief description of the associated Totem Bird Symbolism for each painting.
Virtual Journey ONLY - £15
Virtual Journey PLUS a copy of the ‘Reclaiming the Wild’ Book - £25 (see details below)
Get access now to the Reclaiming the Wild Art Exhibition and Archetypal Story Telling narrated by Lisa Lochhead.
PLUS Receive the 8 Goddess Archetype stories in audio along with snippets of bird song from each of their Totem Birds which will be available for download with each Goddess Archetype in the virtual exhibition area.
Special Upgrade Your Experience Option
To support and deepen your Reclaiming the Wild journey we recommend you purchase Lisa’s new book called Reclaiming the Wild which was launched at the live exhibition. The book includes the Archetypal Stories in written form along with the other benefits listed below to help you connect deeper into that particular Goddess Archetype and how She moves or is moving in your own life.
Postage for book delivery added at the checkout or you can select collection from the studio.
How to Use the Book
There are eight sections to the Reclaiming the Wild book. Each section is on one Goddess Archetype with:
Her Artwork
An Archetypal Story
Totem Bird Symbolism
The habits and way of moving of that particular Totem Bird in the wild.
Followed by a Reflection Ritual and a Ritual Creativity.
Each of the paintings brings unique medicine as a reflection of that particular frequency of the Goddess. Each one has been painted as a deepening meditation from the feather symbolism to the Goddess calling to make herself known. Just as this Rites of Passage reflects a journey of descent and the reclaiming of Sacred Essence - Reclaiming the Wild. Each painting has also been painted over each of the Moon and Venus Conjunctions as Venus made her descent as a Morning Star into the Underworld. Which is connected mythologically to the descent of Inanna.
An Archetypal Story
Each Goddess has an archetypal story so you can feel into who she is, how she moves which leads you into connecting with how she speaks inside of you. You do not have to memorise or learn what you are reading. You can just allow the resonance of the words to land inside of you and see what opens and sings in the moment.
Totem Bird Symbolism
Each Goddess Archetype painting has a companion Totem Bird with her. They are entwined together in symbolism and meaning, and this section speaks of what that symbolism is. This offers you a wider perspective on both the Goddess and the bird.
Totem Bird in the Wild
Here is where you can learn an overview about the particular Totem Bird in the wild and its habits, movements, way of being and its gifts. This supports broadening your understanding of them, the types of environment they inhabit, what their needs are and how birds can communicate to you.
Reflection Ritual
This is followed by a Reflection Ritual which are a set of questions that help you to look in places you might not normally look without a prompt. They are relational to the deeper dynamics behind the Goddess Archetype of that section. So they help you get deeper in tune with her whilst getting you look inside of you and inside your own life. Having a particular journal for your writing is a nourishing and transformative way to work with the Reflection Rituals.
Ritual Creativity
The purpose of Ritual Creativity is to engage the creative power through taking a creative action that is reflective and supportive. They open up a deeper seeing or allows for a meaningful expression on each of the sections. Ideally you could create an art journal and fill it with your work and reflections as a Reclaiming the Wild Creativity Book. Each Ritual Creativity is a specific prompt for each Goddess Archetype.

What Inspired This Art Exhibition.
One day I decided to give a clear out and re-organise my home office and I realised just how many feathers, stones, shells and sticks I had collected on my walks and pilgrimages. Spending some time with them, feeling them, listening, I realised how I had collected all these items from the start of menopause which had begun a number of years ago.
Over this time, I had become a collector of natural things that I found or spoke to me on my journeys deeper into the land and ancient holy places. It seemed to me that I had been gathering in the bare bones of life. Connecting with the spirit medicine of feathers that came on my path - swan, pheasant, crow, magpie, duck and raven. Marvelling at shells as the safe houses they had provided for their occupants with their grooved markings of spirals, lines and shades of tones and colours. Holding the stones and feeling their weight, the ground, the earth, and the wisdom of the ancients whispered through a natural material that reflects eternity. And sticks. Sticks of fallen yews, twigs gathered from the ground at holy places that exude the power of the yew as otherworldly talking sticks and for creating ritual tools in gratitude for the gifting.
They reflected my journey from the start of menopause and my journey into and through this life changing rites of passage for a woman. I had been gathering in the wisdom of my life, of the land, of the ancients in a modern-day world that doesn’t honour the sacredness of this time of life. Where the loss of youth and fear of the process of ageing gives rise to menopause being treated as a medical condition rather than a profound rite of passage.
Sitting and being with these items I knew I needed to create a designated place, a display of the in-gathering. So I created an area on the wall with shelving so they could be seen, honoured, and displayed in a way that spoke to my heart. I felt like they held a space of my gathering in of the bones of my life into this next phase. As the fire and tides now turned into a deep ocean of calm and peace, I could feel the new, making itself known as the uncharted depths of my soul fire forged in this alchemical meeting and rite of passage were making their presence known. Making the calling known.
That calling started as the first painting that came in the ‘Reclaiming the Wild’ series – she is called the Cycle of Completion, and she had a totem bird accompanying her, the crow. She was a turning point painting and I realised that I was to paint a Goddess, or Goddess Archetype for each of the feathers that I had collected and bring the bird spirit medicine awake into new forms of connection. As I was painting them, around one a month over 8 months, it became clear to create an exhibition that also incorporated an audio myth telling accompanying the painting and an interactive, reflective part to the exhibition. I wanted to bring alive the paintings and the frequency behind them as the powerful journey they represent and create a multi-dimensional experience.