Pre-Order Only
A gorgeous 30cms x 30cms square calendar for £29.95 plus P&P or choose Studio Collection.
The cut off for ordering your calendar is Friday 22nd November at Midday
Working with the Lunar Cycle is powerful way to tune into the cyclical in your daily life. It can support you to tune into the rise and fall of the natural frequencies we are all governed by through the moons cycle of new moon, waxing moon, full moon and the waning moon.
The Moon as the Lunar Goddess symbolises our inner worlds. She connects us to the intimate side of ourselves, our emotions, moods, instincts, feelings, vulnerability and our sense of safety and comfort.
Each of Her phases of the Lunar Cycle have different qualities, the waxing moon representing the Maiden with all Her energy that fuels your aspirations, visions and dreams. Mother is Her next stage where She is the Full Moon and opens you to receive a sense of wisdom and balance through the cycle so far and empowering you to consciously reflect on where you have reached, what is working and what is ripe to be tenderly released in Love. This then tips into the Crone stage of the waning moon where you can be imbued by a deep sense of acceptance, peace and rightness through the ability to consciously own and understand your emotions, your relationship towards your self and how you move in the world which empowers you to bring more of your love light awake in the world.
The artwork in this new release Moon Mother calendar has been painted specifically to represent each of the Full Moons throughout the year - the Mother quality. The names of each Full Moon are:
Wolf Moon
Snow Moon
Worm Moon
Pink Moon
Flower Moon
Strawberry Moon
Buck Moon
Sturgeon Moon
Harvest Moon
Hunters Moon
Beaver moon
Cold Moon
Each of these names are tied to the changing seasons and the behaviour of the natural world, the plants, animals or weather that month reflecting the changing landscape around us.
Each painting for each of the months has the name of the particular Full Moon that month, the essence of the Moons frequency and a quote about the power of that moon.
Do you want to work deeper with the Moon Cycles?
Check out my online creative and reflective course based on each of these Full Moons throughout the year. Just click the button.