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The Kiss of Venus

  • Lisa Lochhead - Gallery & Studio Heritage Courtyard, St Mary's Street Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 1QY (map)

The Feminine Mysteries

The Kiss of Venus

Woman’s Gathering in the Gallery to connect with the start of a new Venus Cycle and deepen the connection with the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Harmony, Wisdom and transforming Relationship. A sacred liminal space of beauty, nourishment, rest, reflection, listening and the rites of womanhood.

A little about the Venus Cycle is that over the course of 8 years, which is one complete Venus cycle - Venus creates a geometric pattern called the Rose of Venus as she orbits around the sun. This rose is a 5 petalled rose with each petal taking 19 months to form. When she is closet to the earth and in alignment with the sun, she is invisible to us, and it is called an Inferior Conjunction and represents the start of a new 19 month cycle and the formation of a new petal. This gathering is to honour that point and the shift it calls from you in the intuitive depths of the Feminine Mysteries.

This is a powerful threshold with Venus combined with the energies of Spring Equinox which is on the 20th March as the sun stands still. This is your time to stand still and look with honesty and discernment as you release the last cycle and its teachings and open to a new direction calling you forward. This gathering is a space to honour where you have reached and be available to the seed of the new calling.

As we soften and relax into the liminal space we will be imbuing the heart, mind, vision and senses by:

  • Opening our gathering we will look into the Mysteries and Mythologies of Aphrodite, Venus, Inanna and Astarte. I will share from my direct experience of engaging the Venus Cycle over the last 19 months and its frequencies of transformation. Along with the Genesis of Aphrodite in Cyprus where she was said to be born.

  • Reflect on how the sacred pulse of Love, Beauty and Harmony are calling to you - even if you do not have a knowing or feeling of that Love.

  • Creating ritual together to prepare and celebrate for this Venus Cycle

  • Learn and deepen in a powerful Venus Meditation that you can integrate into your daily practice.

  • In the spirit of gifting and abundance we will create a ‘Pot Luck’ Shared Lunch - everyone will bring something to share.

  • Savour Aphrodite inspired Goddess Chocolates and Aphrodite/Venus ritual drinks.


The Kiss of Venus