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Festival of Light - Online Yule Retreat




An online Retreat and Reflection Ritual space to activate a higher creativity and lay the ground for the next Solar Cycle.


REGISTRATION CLOSES on the 20th December at 6pm

The Yule period is a powerful spiritual time of year and one that is lost in our bling culture of Christmas, over spending, and the pressures associated with it. This has been steadily overlayed over a very ancient honouring practice of listening, dreaming, visioning and manifesting the light of the new Solar Consciousness which seeds at Winter Solstice with the rebirth of the Sun.

This represents the birth of the spiritual sun on the subtle levels of your Being and the light of new consciousness that is available to you as the new Solar Cycle of the year ahead seeds over this portal of Yule.

You can support yourself over this threshold by attuning to the Feminine Way and find who you truly are stripped back of the momentum of the world and its cultural pressures through the practising of theses seasonal rites of passage. Creating the space for devotional activities of ritual and celebration supports you to unplug from the linear worldview, patriarchal influences and align with the natural and powerful creativity of Mother Nature and her mirror into your authentic nature. I have come to realise and harness the Power, Beauty and Creative opportunity available at these potent seasonal turning points, or Holy Days, in the year for my own conscious growth and evolution. This to me is Higher Creativity.

Yule Retreat - Festival of Light
One time
For 2 months

Creativity is the key. Yet Creativity for me isn’t confined to creating art as an outer activity. Pure creativity is a response to the knowing of your Soul and your relationship to the Divine. It is about getting to know who you truly are beyond the conditional learning and giving shape to that in your life. I call this Higher Creativity.

Winter Solstice is the next Seasonal Holy Day and there is a Pagan tradition associated with Winter Solstice which I am sure you would have heard of – the 12 days of Yule which is a festival that still honours the cycle of nature and the Wheel of the Year. Winter Solstice has been celebrated in many ancient cultures going back thousands of years into pre-history and I have worked with this window for many years as a pivotal time to tune in and align with the Divine  - to Vision, Create and Manifest the new in the next Solar Cycle birthed at Winter Solstice.. 

I share here for you my Yule Reflective Practice for this powerful time of seeding the next Solar Cycle. I invite you to join the course and spend just a few moments each day over the Yule period in listening, reflecting and working with these powerful energies available to you.

You will be setting the tone for your year ahead in 2024 based on the ancient practice of honouring the Triple Goddess and the Sacred Masculine. You will honour the portals of transition throughout the 12 days of Yule and a final 3 days to support the ground of your first few days into the New Year. Your baby steps of stepping out into the world from a new light of conscious awareness.

Aligning with these transitional windows you are bringing into your awareness the honouring of the Triple Goddess and the Sacred Masculine but you will be consciously activating the Divine Gifts seeding in you at this time into practical manifestation. Through consciously engaging these days you will be practically laying the ground for the next Solar Cycle - for your year ahead.

You will only need to dedicate just small amount of time each day for 15 days in devotional listening, reflection and orientation of your awareness to really see and feel the supportive benefit of this online retreat.

You will be:

  • Honouring these Divine aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone plus the birth of the light of new consciousness - the Sacred Masculine. 

  • You just need to set aside a small amount of reflective time each day to connect within. 

  • Devotionally and consciously be aligning in harmony with the pulse rising from your Soul.

  • Harnessing the power available to Vision and Create your year ahead.

  • Activating the opportunities and gifts being given to you. To be a co-creator with the Divine within.

You will Receive:

  • A ‘Mudra Movement’ practice that I share specifically resonant and supportive for this powerful window of Yule.

  • Winter Solstice Goddess Myth Telling – or more apt an unravelling. This is a sound file you download onto your device. Plus you will receive a Reflection Ritual Sheet on the key theme of the Goddess Myth Telling.

  • Ritual and Altar Creation Worksheets – create your own Altar inside your home or outdoors in your garden dedicated to the Goddess and a few ideas for home Winter Solstice Rituals.   

  • Over Yule - on the 21st December, 24th December, 27th December and the 30th December - sections of Reflection Ritual Worksheets will go live in the Retreat Area on the Festival of Light page for you to download each worksheet. You will receive an email each time to let you know the content is available.

  •  The final integration reflection worksheet will go live on the 2nd January for you to download.

  • As each set of Yule content goes live in the private Retreat Area on my website you can also share your heart, knowing and reflections on that content thread.

Yule Retreat - Festival of Light
One time
For 2 months