Join me at Imbolc for a shared evening in Ritual and Celebration
At Imbolc we celebrate that which was born at the Winter Solstice and is now showing signs of coming into being, becoming manifest. The vital currents of life, buried deep within the soil, deep within our Souls, are stirred from their winter dormancy and their waters begin to flow to the surface.
Imbolc is the promise of the uncovering of hidden potential, of the earth awakening and the life-force stirring. Beckoning you into a phase of renewal.
During this evening of shared intimacy and sisterhood you will:
- Creating ritual to celebrate Imbolc whilst insights, reflections and Goddess Myth Telling is weaved into the ritual and interweaved into our heart sharing.
- Deeply Relaxing - into the spaciousness that attunes you into this potent time of the Wheel. Woven into our gathering will be a guided mediation through subtle movement and mudras.
- Learning a supportive mudra to deepen in your home practice at this time.
- Tuning in deeper and wider to the smaller cycles inside the larger cycles of life, death and rebirth as you connect with the frequency of Imbolc in a Sister Circle.
Cost includes:
- A specially created ‘Taste of the Goddess’ decadent delights for the evening to invoke a taste of the frequency of Sacred Feminine.
Journey deep, reach high, embody wide...
From nowhere beauty bursts into this garden.
From the sprouting seed,
to the rising bud..
to Beauties Bloom.