Just one place now available - contact me now to reserve it.
One of the deep Loves in my life is walking the ancient ways. Breathing life into them inside of me through the communion with the landscape, ancient sites and sacred places. In many ways I feel like a spiritual her-storian stripping back layers of misconception in myth, folklore and limited historical viewpoints to tap into the loss of connection to the Great Goddess in our land and the reclaiming of Feminine Essence as Sovereignty.
I have run retreat pilgrimages for over 10 years internationally and I would love you to join me closer to home on these Celtic lands of North Wales to deepen in the Mystery..
I also now combine these retreat pilgrimages with my work with the seasonal cycles and Holy Days. To connect and support you in the ancient ways of the rhythm of life, the land and your creative potential. This Living Prayer Retreat Pilgrimage is over Spring Equinox.
Spring Equinox is a doorway. Spring has officially arrived. The energy of this time can feel full and expansive as the air carries the unseen into our senses and into our vision. The direction can become clear and the way forward for you in your life can open up and start to flow. It is a time of insight and clarity and a point of balance as the night and day are of equal length and in equilibrium together. Reflecting the polar opposites of dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, all being in a balanced point.
From now there is a sense of ignition as the rising light starts to diminish the dark. The days are starting to get longer as the warmth from the sun also returns to the lands. All of the natural world around us is coming alive, as it responds to the shifting frequency of the Season.
To connect to this portal in a retreat space is a time to listen, rest and orientate your awareness to the stirrings of new life that are ready to rise inside of you. To tune into the shifting frequency of the season in a deeply supportive and nourishing environment.
During this retreat there will be plenty of space for rest and tapping into an ease of Being through engaging a deeper listening. Each day we will pilgrimage to ancient sites and ancient yew trees. Deepening in the Beauty of the Mystery and creating rituals and offerings at these sacred places together. Unravelling the grip and momentum of the world on the body, mind and heart to open to a deeper communion with the land, with the Great Goddess and the reclaiming of Feminine Essence.
Tuning into this potency at this turn of the Wheel of the Year is an invitation to embrace your next potential in life.
To give space to yourself and deeply connect into the rising vital force within you. To look towards the knowing of essence as your guide. To allow yourself to be carried deeper into the knowing of the Love that you are and that whispers inside of you. Calling you to listen, to, trust, give voice to your knowing through how and what you action in your life.
To support this in retreat space you will:
Learn and deepen in transformative unifying practices that I share that combine meditation and mudras aligned for the season.
Create rituals and offerings at sacred sites. Deepening in reverence and devotion to the Sacred Feminine whilst growing your intuitive knowing.
Rest - rest your body, rest your mind and rest your heart. The underlying atmosphere of this retreat is one of deep rest. Depth of rest allows a deeper listening to sharpen aswell as enabling the body, mind and emotion to let go.
Bring a journal with you - to sketch and write your insights and reflections.
Cook together nourishing meals, feel the joy of life, laugh, share our hearts and deepen in the sweetness of sisterhood.
Friday 18th to Tuesday 22nd March 2022
We will be staying in a beautiful house in the centre of a small hamlet called Llangerynw in Denbigshire, N.Wales near to the incredible 4000 year old yew tree, which is just a little walk from the house. Our pilgrimages will be in the area of Denbigshire and Conwy.
“Lisa is a pioneer in woman’s spiritual development. Having attended many retreats with Lisa I love her heart presence and passion for diving into the truth of the heart. Her ability to hold Sacred Space and welcome in a deeper intimacy of the heart is unique - through a celebration of sisterhood and journeys in the deep of the ancient Feminine.”
There are just ONE place now available. The Retreat cost includes:
four nights accommodation
all your nourishing meals at our retreat house,
a selection of creativity tools that I bring,
all tools for rituals, ceremonies and offerings
transport around the pilgrimage locations.
One bed in a twin share room - £595 - LAST PLACE AVAILABLE
“Lisa Lochhead’s retreat pilgrimages are, I believe utterly unique initiations into the truth of who you truly are, as being and how that embodies in the body of woman. I felt as though I’d entered a realm of myth and magic as the retreat unfolded, visiting ancient sites in an epic tale of Celtic history and meaning held in the landscape. However, rather than this tale being outside of myself or even, about another. I found that instead the sites, the visits, the walks and the body of the landscape were actually opening my heart, teaching me about the mystery of who I was at my core. This was initiation; deep, powerful, intimate and profoundly feminine. ”