Tapping into Mythological Stories and Goddess Archetypes reflects back to you the unseen and the unknown Mystery of life as a blueprint of Self-Reflection and Self-Knowing. Stories carry power - the power to distort, corrupt, control and spread as truth as seen in the global news or across social media OR the power to transform, give meaning and raise up to higher states of Love, conscious awareness and participation in life as embodied in our worldwide myths.
As women WE are the energy of creation. Our very bodies are the shape of the Divine Feminine qualities in form of Love, Nurturance, Creation, Receptivity and the cyclical nature of life. How you connect with and utilise this sacred energy, which is your sexual creative power, defines how you experience yourself, your life and the world around you. Reflecting with Mythological Stories and bringing the unseen and subtle levels of life awake through working with Myths and Goddess Archetypes supports you to reclaim your sacred sexual energy and innate power back from limited thinking, world views and patriarchal distortion. And align with the truth of your Sacred Essence.
Our lives are meant to bring the Mystery awake and alive inside our bodies and inside our minds and hearts. Our sexual energy is our creative power and it is to be reclaimed back from the momentum and distortion of the world so that you can shape the life of Love and Beauty you know deep down inside of you to be true. I offer this first Archetypal Story to you as we move towards this Story soon being enacted in the Sky through the path of Venus and the start of her rise into visibility as the Morning Star and her imminent descent into the Underworld from mid to late April - just as women going back thousands of years have honoured this path as part of the Rites of Womanhood and the Feminine Mysteries.
Now is a time of deep listening. Listening to the subtle. Orientating your awareness on the call of the realm of the unconscious. What is hidden from your view, what it yet unknown, what calls and keeps you awake at night or that keeps knocking gently at your door when you just know something is done or not fulfilling - yet you keep doing the same thing. Looking in the same direction or listening to the same inner or outer voices.
Lets Celebrate International Woman’s Day by taking a moment to own who we truly are as women. The power of creation. Take a moment to dare to look beyond what you currently see or know about yourself - and acknowledge the call of the unseen, the unconscious and gently dissolve the fear of the unknown while claiming your rite of a fulfilled, aligned life evolving and transforming with the power of your Sacred Essence.
The Maiden and the Queen
This story is the first of 8 stories that make up Reclaiming the Wild. Each story has an associated Totem Bird and its function in myth to support you to connect with these messengers in nature and their symbolic language. The painting is called Cycle of Completion and she represents the frequency of the story. Carve out a little quiet time, tune in and listen to the story and be empowered to hear and respond to the subtle in your life.
Symbol of Ancient Wisdom, Intelligence, Omens, and Transformation
The Totem bird of the crow is not a bird depicted in the stories for either Inanna or Persephone. Rather the crow comes here to you with its unique medicine as a mystical gateway to the spirit realm and a symbol of the journey of the cyclical, of death, life and rebirth. Crows’ presence can grant you access to insights and understanding beyond the reach of the rational mind. With the magic of the crow allowing, you to appreciate the mysteries of life and cultivate a sense of curiosity about the unknown. Bowed at Her ear, to the Great Below, crow medicine shows you the way to engage. To be bowed, listening, to the frequency of the Mystery so new life can flourish within you and around you.
Crows are symbols of mystery and complexity, their frequent appearances in literature, folklore, and daily life often carry deep spiritual meanings, ranging from transformation to prophecy. Their presence is woven deeply into the tapestries of many cultures across the world occupying a unique position in cultures’ spiritual and mythical landscapes. Their complex behaviours and intriguing allure continue to captivate and inspire, serving as enduring symbols of mystery, intelligence, and transformation. Crows presence encourages you to look beyond the ordinary, prompting you to explore the deeper mysteries of life. While also representing spiritual or sacred law and the universal wisdom that here in the physical world must be integrated.
Open and deepen your connection to the power of working with Goddess Archetypes with the ‘Reclaiming the Wild’ Book and Downloads.
Includes all the Archetypal Stories, Totem Bird Symbolism plus a Totem Bird in the Wild section followed by a supportive workbook section. This includes Lisa’s signature ‘Reflection Rituals’ for each Archetype to support you to deepen with how the archetype is moving inside of you and in your life. Followed by ‘Ritual Creativity’ which are specific creative actions to take that support you to integrate what is your knowing and what is opening for you.